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24 December 2015
Reaching 12 points doesn't always mean a disqualification.
The legal limit is 35mg in 100ml of breath.
Think you can drive on 2 pints? Think again, it varies for every individual.
You can still be over the legal limit the morning after and the penalty is the same.
There are certain circumstances where a drink driving conviction doesn't automatically mean disqualification.
Attending a Drink Driving Rehabilitation course can reduce your disqualification by up to a quarter.
Failing to provide a specimen is a separate criminal offence of which you can be convicted, even if you were not the driver.
If you have passed your test in the last 2 years and reach 6 points you will revert back to a provisional licence and be required to sit your theory and practical tests again, unless we can persuade the magistrates to impose a different penalty.
Driving without insurance doesn't always mean 6-8 points if there are 'special reasons'.
If you are unfortunate enough to be arrested over the festive period for any offence, our solicitors are on call 24 hours a day, including Christmas day. Just call the Emergency Number on 07876 505337 to speak to a legal expert.
Licensed Premises Beware - Underage Drinkers.